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Hydrate Youth Camp

Hydrate is our highly anticipated annual summer camp for teens.

This year our young people will have 5 days together in an incredible setting, the the Tops Conference Centre at Stanwell Tops, enjoying games, water activities and sport while they fellowship, learn and discuss the great journey of life ahead of them to the final destination, heaven.

Dave Morgan, our mission partner from Christchurch NZ will be joining us as the speaker and he will be covering 1 Peter from the Bible.

Hydrate camp is open to all kids in school years 6-12. Invite friends for the journey ahead. It’s a wonderful way to build friendships, test skills and share the news about Jesus and heaven.

Details will be sent out as we get near to the camp.

Got questions about the camp? Give Andrew Daniels (Danga) a call at 0450 403 751.

Photos from past Hydrate Camps:

24 December

Christmas Eve - Night Service

3 March

Hydrate Reunion