Your Christian Community
in the Forest
Where you are always welcome.
While most things in life and society are constantly changing, God’s word and His promises are forever.
At Frenchs Forest Anglican Church, we want to reflect God’s eternal loving commitment to you and to our entire community in the Forest.
Come for a visit, we’d love to meet you.
Get connected and be part of our growing community.
Join us on Sunday.
Services are at 930am with Kids Church and creche, and 6pm. Followed with coffee and tea. Learn more…
Explore Christianity
Join in a short course looking at the life of Jesus. See why Jesus has impacted the past and the present. Learn more…
Kids and Youth
At Frenchs Forest Anglican, we want to see kids and youth saved by and living for Jesus. We explore the Bible, pray, and share fun activities together. Learn more…
Join a Bible Study
We have many Connect Groups that meet during the week. It’s a great way to gather, grow and connect around God’s word. Email Chris for more information.
Food in Challenging Times
The Forest Foodbank is available to individuals and families who could use some extra support. Text the Foodbank Coordinator at 0422 888 619.
Spiritual Care and Support
Email or telephone the church office at 02 9975 5410 for compassionate care when in need.
What’s on around the Forest.
Stream our Sunday Service.
Catch up on any missed services or watch from home.
We gather every Sunday at 9:30am and 6:00pm in person and we look forward to meeting you in when you can make it.
Subscribe and watch services from our Youtube channel.

Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging one another…
Hebrews 10:24-25